E-commerce Inventory and Order Management for Brands and Sellers. Over 10,000 Brands in Southeast Asia are using Nobi Pos that keep them ahead of the curve, in front of their customers.

Nobi Pos


With Nobi Pos, all your supply chain management tools and data are on one easy-to-use, powerful platform. By tracking return rates, order flows, along with inventory reports, you can improve the process to increase customer satisfaction and cut costs, save businesses time at the same time.  

Best-in-class tools to help manage your orders, warehouses, and logistics

Control everything from a single platform & support various logistics system needs

Integrated Logistics Companies System

  • Work with the most popular and best providers your customers want: Grab,...
  • Automatically send the delivery proposal
  • Directly print order tickets from Nobi Pos
  • Allows merchants to set up their stores' shipping charges with much more flexibility
  • Better delivery times for happier customers

Manage Customer’s Data & Their Order Journey

  • Automated order status updates
  • Has an accurate view of inventory to guarantee fulfillment of customer orders, decrease the cost to store and insure it, and reduce the risk of spoilage, theft, and damage.
  • Real-time integration of multiple sales channels


  • Stay updated when orders are picked, packed, and shipped
  • The "divine" Return App, check the return by the code on the bill
  • Ranging from Product's Status, SKU, Quantity to Update Inventory in real-time with just a few clicks

Product & Inventory Management

Accurately automate your operation processing with real-time data.

  • Report the number of orders by period
  • Specific inventory reports of each sales channel, each branch
  • Update the exact value of your inventory
  • Reports & shipping statistics by region: Which region has the most number of orders and has the most number of returns,...

Save operational time


Operational time

Save total cost of operation



Decline rate of returns


Rate of returns

Boom your Sales



Reasons why you should use Nobi Pos for strengthening your online store


Companies in Southeast Asia That Use Nobi Pos to Boost Sales


Mrs. Mai Lan
Director of Crazyteen 

"It makes our employees simplify their processes, and allow them to focus on helping the customer and increasing revenue growth."

Mr. Manh Quan
Marketing Manager of Luxsion

Nobi Pos can crunch large volumes of moving data in real-time, and always calculates the right quantity at the right time. It automates half our operations and accurately informs the rest. It's the best platform that I've ever used to manage my company's warehouse.

Nobi Sales keeps you ahead of the curve, in front of your customers.

  • Online business owners are looking for convenient & smart Customer, order management solutions
  • Online business owners don't know how to exceed customer expectations, reduce the rate of returns as well
  • Online business owners want to save the time of operation, especially in customers & sales teams management processes.



To hyper boost your Online Business today!


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Hotline: 0932.343.678

Email: cs@nobi.pro

Website: http://nobi.pro/

Address: Remedios St, Malate, Manila, 1004 Metro Manila, Philippines